Publication or Resource

New Zealand: Aotearoa New Zealand Cities Under Covid-19 - A Systems Perspective
In P Howden-Chapman, F Gatzweiler, R Cooper & I Luginaah (Eds.), Cities Under COVID-19: A Systems Perspective.
(pp.179-190). Springer Nature & Zhejiang University Press.
Shaw, C. McLeod, M. Mizdrak, A.
The Impact of Transport on Population Health and Health Equity for Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand: A Prospective Burden of Disease Study.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
19(4), 2032.
Smith, M. Calder-Dawe, O. Carroll, P. Kayes, N. Kearns, R. Lin, E-Y. ...
Mobility barriers and enablers and their implications for the wellbeing of disabled children and young people in Aotearoa New Zealand: A cross-sectional qualitative study.
Wellbeing Space & Society
Burdett, B. R. D. Willing, E. Ameratunga, S.
Inclusive access in transport policy and practice: Views of New Zealand transport practitioners.
Case Studies on Transport Policy
Macmillan, A. Smith, M. Hosking, J. Wild, K. Field, A.
Suburb-level changes for active transport to meet the SDGs: Causal theory and a New Zealand case study.
The Science of the total environment
Tupara, H. Wilkie, M. Cunningham, C.
Home modifications to prevent home fall injuries in houses with Māori occupants (MHIPI): A randomised controlled trial.
Lancet Public Health,
6(9), e631-e640.


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