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— Latest Publications

  • Ryan, V. Cuming, J. Riley, M.
    Thermal Bridging in External Walls: Stage Two.
    BRANZ External Research Report ER64. Report wall/4 by Beacon Pathway.
  • Six ways to help fix energy hardship in New Zealand.
    Policy Quarterly,
    17, 4.
  • “Take up her bed”: Cleopatra’s bed in Antony and Cleopatra.
    Arrêt sur Scène /Scene Focus
    n°8, Scènes de Lit / Bedchamber Scenes. (Ed.) S. Iyengar, S. Mayo & N. Vienne-Guerrin.
  • Ryan, V. Cuming, J. Baker, G. Mayes, I.
    Measuring the Extent of Thermal Bridging in External Timber-Framed Walls in New Zealand. Final Report – Building Levy Project.
    BRANZ LR11092. Report Wall/3 from Beacon Pathway Inc.
  • Booysen, M. Engelbrecht, J Ritchie, J. Cloete, A.
    How much energy can optimal control of domestic water heating save?
    Energy for Sustainable Development,
    51, 73-85.
  • World Health Organization (Eds.).
    WHO Housing and health guidelines - Recommendations to promote healthy housing for a sustainable and equitable future.
    World Health Organization.

    The WHO Housing and health guidelines bring together the most recent evidence to provide practical recommendations to reduce the health burden due to unsafe and substandard housing.

  • Stagecraft and Statecraft: Queenship and Theatricality on the Shakespearean Stage.
    In K. Finn & V. Schutte. (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Shakespeare’s Queens.
    (pp.9-28). Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-74517-6.

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